
Recent posts
- Megan - Class of 2020 Sonora High School Senior Model - Destination San Francisco
- Chloe - Class of 2020 Bret Harte High School High Sierra Senior Photo Shoot
- Kendall - Class of 2020 Sonora High School, Senior portraits San Francisco
- Jordyn Marquez - Class of 2020 Senior Photo Shoot Sunflowers in Davis, California
- Tayla - Class of 2020, Sonora High Senior portraits

When Megan applied for a position on the 2020 model team last spring I knew I had a kindred spirit in her! Her application which contained "get to know you" questions was literally a novel when she turned it in! Here was an intellegent, kind and very thoughtful, involved in her community young woman! And honestly I couldn't wait to meet her! As with all my models I truly enjoyed getting to travel with and get to know Megan and her sweet Mom Melissa! Her senior shoot was another that wasn't without challenges to get done as she's very involved with sports and school activities and the weather To View More >>

Kendall and I have been working together for about 3 years, she was part of my Teens of Summer Freshman - Junior years and I was so excited to see what location and theme she'd choose for her senior shoot. When we started talking about the possiblities Kendall was very clear that she wanted something unique, different than other locations previous seniors had chosen. We talked about the different possibilites and she wasn't going to settle for the "average". We finally agreed to head to San Francisco but to choose some unique spots in the city that I'd never photographed at before! Based To View More >>

When Tayla and I first starting talking about her senior photo shoot I knew she wanted to go out of town and I knew it would be something completely new and special. Being a competitive hip hop dancer I was excited to see what ideas Tayla would come up with and I knew it had to be about dance and her cool vibe style! I was excited to get to spend the day with her and her Mom in San Francisco. It was a highly anticipated trip as we had to reschedule several times. The first time Tayla had gotten very sick and following that we got caught up in the mess of the PG&E outages. There was no way To View More >>